Big Casino lost

Big Casino lost

Posted on June 12, 2024 by in Gambling

Big Casino lost cash and few family members due to new rule

Now categorical bans on access to gambling houses do not – if the person is not allowed to enter the casino, depending on the casino management. – I started to play at the age of 21 years, now I – I was already 27. I go to the Gaming Control Authority , signed the letter, that I am not allowed to enter the casino. But the situation is strange it is sufficient – Vilnius is the casino, which injects. Related Articles: Whore house adopted the “civilized policeman: and sex is taboo (98) Two weeks ago a baby in the freezer the proud holder of a mother: he was born dead (105) When you come to the casino, the employees in the system sees that you give deny the request, but they are letting in – I can play freely. Previously, even told them to sign a letter to the casino go voluntarily – you know, when you are addicted and want to play, always signed. For a long time I did not go to the casino, but on Friday I went and arrested the anger – after all, I was admitted without a problem. I said that I am a grown man, I say for itself, and therefore will be admitted. Therefore, I do not understand – why then the need to Gaming Authority to fill in the letter that inadmissible? Yes, I do not hide that I have problems, I can not deal with them, but I do not understand why the state is to me and to other people, does not help? There are many people who would like to, but up to now playing, is such as drug addiction – people and the biggest money losers, and families are losing. As I personally lost my family, wife now one child. For a long time I sat in debt, and, and I had to walk to a psychologist for treatment. – And why is not passed such a law? – I was driven to the Gaming Control Authority, wanted to talk about it, I asked why the state can not help me. The officers said that they were aware of this problem, but can not do anything. There is no law that I am not admitted, if I signed the request. But he is now signed letter has no legal force – it is only a service and casinos overall agreement. Who wants to keep it, who does not want, does not comply. Gambling care workers already a couple of years of fighting for the adoption of the law, but nothing to go – maybe someone does not need such a law. – How did you start to play? – All the time I was interested to come and see what life is for the casino door. And when my girlfriend reached the age of 21 years, we have both the night we went. How far I can remember, and then into chips LTL 50 and won maybe 500 Lt. Then again the next day came, again won a little, then again – and again. And so we started walking, until I told myself – who now work if he can win. And hooked. – To win time, the second, the third, but after all, had come the day when he only lose? – Yes, and very soon the day came when we began, losing. And it began the routine – we even studied together, it was such a vicious circle: the university, the casino, sleep, casino, university. Nothing more seen. I saw, as I start to lose their lives, dignity, and maybe after a year with my friend went to the Gaming Control Authority, signed request to us inadmissible. And maybe six months, I did not go anywhere, but then I thought – maybe I can withdraw your application. In addition to the problems she had recovered, I started to play again. It started with 50, but then were told in the amount of thousands. Many thousands. It was that one evening win 60 thousand. Lt, and the next night not only lose money, but still you remain debt. I worked in the company of parents, so I was never not controlled, not conceal, even to pick up their money. Balk. It was a way of life – was, you go to a meeting for business, you see the intersection of a green traffic light, another – again, the green, but not I go to a meeting, and the casino.

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